Raskošan stojeći sat iz zbirke satova MUO izveden je u spomen na prvi let balona koji su 1783. konstruirala braća Montgolfier. Koncipiran je kao skulptura od pozlaćene bronce, dok je mehanizam umetnut u sferično srebrno kućište. Donji dio sata izrazito je monumentalan, u osnovi stožast, ali razveden grudičastim nakupinama na kojima je u spiralnom nizu raspoređeno tridesetak figura putta koji nose žito, baklje i žaru s plamenom. Virtualno gibanje usmjereno je prema vrhu gdje se nalazi srebrna kugla koja simbolizira balon, a u koju je smješten mehanizam. Uz kuglu je s jedne strane prislonjena figura boga vjetra Eola, a s druge strane krilata Fama. Kućište sata oblikovno je srodno modelu za neizvedeni spomenik prvom letu balona, što ga je 1784. po narudžbi pariške Direction des Bâtiments izradio francuski kipar Clodion. Ovaj sat, rađen prema Clodionovom modelu, izuzetan je i rijedak artefakt koji nosi stilske osobine rokokoa i nadolazećeg klasicizma.
The clock was made to commemorate the first flight of the balloon constructed in 1783 by the Montgolfier brothers. It is conceived as a sculpture of bronze gilt, while the movement is inserted in a spherical silver housing. The lower part of the clock is extremely monumental, basically conical in shape, but articulated with clotted accumulations on which some thirty putto figures carrying wheat, torches and a flaming urn are arranged in a spiral. The virtual movement is directed to the top where there is a silver ball symbolising the balloon, in which the mechanism is located. The housing for the clock is shaped similarly to the model for the not produced monument to the first flight of the balloon, made by French sculptor Clodion in 1784 on a commission from the Parisian Direction des Batiments. This clock, made after the Clodion model, is a very rare artefact that has the stylistic features of Rococo and the forthcoming Classicism.
Raskošni stojeći sat, Francuska, Pariz, 1784. – 1850.