Zbirke / Collections

Odjel zbirki sustavno prikuplja, obrađuje, izlaže i publicira muzejsku građu. Zahvaljujući razvojno usmjerenom oblikovanju fundusa, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt kroz više od 140 godina djelovanja i pripadajućih faza muzeološkog razvoja, sustavno je razvijao svoje zbirke, reorganizirao postojeće i osnivao nove. Danas ovaj odjel čuva više od 100.000 predmeta raspoređenih u zbirke.
The Collections Department systematically collects, processes, exhibits and publishes the museum material. With a growth holdings strategy, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, after 140 years of operation and associated phases of museological development, has systematically developed its collections, reorganized the existing ones and also established new ones. Today, the department keeps more than 100,000 items distributed within the following collections.