Trajanje projekta: 1. rujna 2021. – 30. lipnja 2023.
Cilj projekta je prenošenje dosega europskih obrta budućim generacijama putem agregiranja, obogaćivanja zapisa i promoviranja materijalne obrtničke baštine, kao i čuvanje nematerijalnih vještina i znanja obrtnika i umjetničkih zanatlija.
U okviru projekta agregirat će se više od 186,000 novih visokokvalitetnih zapisa koji se odnose na predmete koje su izradili i koristili obrtnici, a dokumentirat će se i njihov nematerijalni kontekst poput tehnika i znanja. Također će se oko 26,000 zapisa koji se već nalaze na Europeani nadograditi kako bi bili slobodni za korištenje.
Razvit će se i implementirati inovativna human-in-the-loop metodologija (koja zahtijeva ljudsku interakciju) kako bi se prenamijenili i proširili najsuvremeniji digitalni alati, uključujući AI (Artificial Intelligence), analizu slike, zvuka i semantiku. Poboljšat će se postojeći alati za agregaciju kako bi se podržalo opsežno automatsko obogaćivanje skupova podataka dostupnih putem Europeane. Projektom će se povećati svijest o materijalnim i nematerijalnim aspektima europskog obrta. Osim toga organizirat će se tri grupne radionica na kojima će se obogaćivati stranice Wikipedije opsežnim i raznovrsnim podacima o zanatskoj baštini, uključujući slike i video zapise s Europeane. Izradit će se i veći broj blog postova, galerija i digitalnih izložbi.
Projekt CRAFTED sufinancira Connecting Europe Facility Europske unije, a vlastiti udio Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt Ministarstvo kulture i medija RH.
Projektni partneri
- National Technical University of Athens, Grčka (koordinator)
- Michael Culture Association, Belgija
- Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, Nizozemska
- European Fashion Heritage Association, Italija
- Stichting Europeana, Nizozemska
- DATABLE BV, Belgija
- AG Culturele Instellingen Antwerpen/Erfgoed, Belgija
- Open University of the Netherlands, Nizozemska
- Mobilier national et manufactures nationales des Gobelins, de Beauvais et de la Savonnerie, Francuska
- Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Hrvatska
- Stowarzyszenie Miedzynarodowe Centrum Zarzadzania Informacja, Poljska
- Fondazione Museo del Tessuto di Prato, Italija
- Etablissement public Paris Musées, Francuska
- National Documentation Center – EKT (Ethniko Kentro Tekmiriosis Kai Ilektronikou Periechomenou), Grčka
MUO projektni tim
dr. sc. Vesna Lovrić Plantić, voditeljica projekta za MUO
Vedrana Ceranja, stručna suradnica na projektu
CRAFTED: Enrich and promote traditional and contemporary crafts
Project duration: 1 September 2021 – 30 June 2023
This project aims to support the transfer of European crafts to future generations by aggregating, enriching and promoting tangible crafts heritage and preserving intangible skills and knowledge from craftsmen and artisans.
The project aims to enable the preservation of both material and immaterial aspects of craftsmanship and thus ensure a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of the communities and cultures from whom it belongs to. For this, the project will aggregate more than 186,000 new high-quality records that showcase tangible objects produced or used by artisans and document their immaterial context, such as techniques and knowledge. Additionally, it will upgrade over 26,000 records already existing in Europeana to an open license.
It will also develop and deploy an innovative human-in-the-loop methodology (e.g. requiring human interaction) that repurposes and extends state-of-the-art digital tools, including AI tools, for image, audio and semantic analysis. The existing crowdsourcing and aggregation tools will be improved to support a large scale automatic enrichment of datasets made available through Europeana
The project will enhance the awareness of tangible and intangible aspects of European crafts through editorial. Finally, CRAFTED will deliver three workshops and capacity-building resources such as guidelines and documentation to support the adoption of AI-driven methods and tools across the cultural heritage sector. A number of blog posts, galleries and digital exhibitions will also be produced.
The project is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union, and MUO own contribution by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.
Project partners
- National Technical University of Athens – Greece (coordinator)
- Michael Culture Association – Belgium
- Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid – The Netherlands
- European Fashion Heritage Association- Italy
- Stichting Europeana – The Netherlands
- DATABLE BV – Belgium
- AG Culturele Instellingen Antwerpen/Erfgoed – Belgium
- Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
- Mobilier national et manufactures nationales des Gobelins, de Beauvais et de la Savonnerie – France
- Museum of Arts and Crafts – Croatia
- Stowarzyszenie Miedzynarodowe Centrum Zarzadzania Informacja- Poland
- Fondazione Museo del Tessuto di Prato – Italy
- Etablissement public Paris Musées – France
- National Documentation Center – EKT (Ethniko Kentro Tekmiriosis Kai Ilektronikou Periechomenou)- Greece
MUO project team
Vesna Lovrić Plantić, PhD, project manager
Vedrana Ceranja, expert associate
Na stručnom skupu 15 godina projekta Digitalizirana zagrebačka baština: 2007.-2022. u organizaciji Knjižnica grada Zagreba dr. sc. Vesna Lovrić Plantić održala je 1. prosinca 2022. izlaganje EU projekt Crafted – Digitaliziranje, obogaćivanje i promoviranje obrtničke baštine.