Zbirka arhitekture

Voditeljica zbirke:

dr. sc. Marina Bagarić, muzejska savjetnica, znanstvena suradnica

e-mail: marina.bagaric@muo.hr


Zbirka arhitekture Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt broji nešto više od tisuću predmeta. Osim nekoliko donacija i otkupa od autora, građana i institucija (Uprava Državne obrtne škole, Akademija primijenjenih umjetnosti) većina predmeta u zbirci arhitekture u muzejski je fundus ušla kao dar organizacijskih odbora arhitektonskih i izložbi na kojima je arhitektura imala zasebnu dionicu.

Značajnu cjelinu čine eksponati sa Svjetske izložbe održane u Parizu 1925. godine. U muzejski fundus ušlo je tada, osim izložaka primijenjene umjetnosti, i sedamdesetak fotografija kojima je predstavljena predratna i poslijeratna arhitektura Kraljevine SHS te – zasigurno najvrjedniji u ovom kontekstu – originalni nacrti arhitekata Stjepana Hribara za izložbeni paviljon Kraljevine SHS i Drage Iblera za postav kazališne sekcije. Zanimljivo je da u zbirku stižu i “rezervne” fotografije nekih objekata, koje nisu bile izlagane na pariškoj izložbi, te Bajalovićev nacrt izložbenoga postava arhitektonske sekcije u Esplanade des Invalides.

Iz Arhive MUO, gdje su se čuvali niz godina, zbirci arhitekture pridruženi su iznimno vrijedni arhitektonski nacrti: radovi arhitekta i kasnije zagrebačkoga gradonačelnika Vjekoslava Heinzela iz vremena njegova školovanja u Grazu i Stuttgartu (1890. – 1893.), školski radovi Ernesta Tomaševića, nacrti Augusta Posilovića, skice i nacrti Rudolfa Lubynskog te različiti natječajni projekti s kraja 19. stoljeća.

U novije vrijeme Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt donirani su i panoi s arhitektonskim fotografijama izlagani na velikoj retrospektivnoj izložbi Arhitektura u Hrvatskoj 1945.-1985. autora arhitekta Nevena Šegvića. Eksponate s izložbe Arhitektura 70-ih godina u Hrvatskoj. Problemi, pojave i tendencije (autor Ivo Maroević, 1981.) Muzeju je darovao 1990. Muzejski dokumentacijski centar, a Društvo arhitekata grada Zagreba doniralo je studije i projekte predstavljene na izložbi “12 prijedloga Zagrebu 1992. za Zagreb 1994.”. Nakon izložbe Slobodna zona Zagreb / Zagreb Free Zone, održane u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt 1991., njujorški arhitekt i dizajner Lebbeus Woods darovao je za zbirku maketu svojega projekta za muzejsko dvorište. Godine 2000. muzejska je zbirka obogaćena velikom donacijom radova arhitekta Marijana Hržića. Tijekom zadnjih nekoliko godina svoje su makete i nacrte Muzeju darovali i uspješni mladi arhitekti: studio Atmosfera, studio de Architekten Cie, studio Dva plus…


Vinko Penezić – Krešimir Rogina, Zagreb, 1991., nerealizirani natječajni projekt, MUO 23969

The Collection of Architecture

Collection Manager:

Marina Bagarić, PhD, museum advisor



The Collection of Architecture of the Museum of Arts and Crafts has more than a thousand objects. Apart from several donations and purchases from authors, owners and institutions (Crafts School Administrative Office, Academy of Applied Arts), the majority of objects in the Collection of Architecture in the museum’s holdings came as a gift from the organizational committees of architectural exhibitions and exhibitions where the architecture has a separate section.

Significant unit consists of exhibits from the World Exhibition held in Paris in 1925.  The museum holdings received at that time, in addition to exhibits of applied arts, seventy photographs which represent pre-war and post-war architecture of the The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and – certainly the most valuable in this context – the original drawings of architect Stephen Hribar for the exhibition pavilion of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and architect Drago Ibler for the setup of the theater section.

From the Museum Archives, where these items were kept for a number of years, the collection of architecture was expanded with extremely valuable architectural drawings: works of architect and later the Mayor of Zagreb Vjekoslav Heinzel from the time of his studies in Graz and Stuttgart (1890 – 1893), school works of Ernest Tomašević, plans of August Posilović, sketches and drawings by Rudolf Lubynski and various tender projects from the late 19th century.

In recent years, panels with architectural photographs exhibited on a large retrospective exhibition of architecture in Croatia 1945 – 1985 by author architect Neven Šegvić were donated to the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Furthermore, exhibits from the exhibition Architecture of the 70s in Croatia. The problems, phenomena and tendencies (author Ivo Maroević, 1981) were donated to the Museum in 1990 by the Museum Documentation Centre, and the Society of Architects of Zagreb donated studies and projects presented at the exhibition “12 proposals to Zagreb in 1992 for Zagreb 1994”. After the exhibition Slobodna zona Zagreb / Zagreb Free Zone, held at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in 1991, New York architect and designer Lebbeus Woods donated the collection a model of his design for the museum courtyard. In 2000, the museum’s collection was enriched with a large donation of works by architect Marijan Hržić. During the last few years models and drawings were donated to the Museum by successful young architects: Studio Atmosfera, studio de Architekten Cie, studio Dva plus …