Muzej za umjetnost i obrt od 1. srpnja 2020. partner je u međunarodnom projektu Europske unije Interreg Danube Transnational Programme pod nazivom ARTNOUVEAU2 – Strengthening the cultural identity of the Danube region by building on common heritage of ART NOUVEAU (Jačanje kulturnog identiteta Dunavske regije uspostavom zajedničke secesijske baštine).
Riječ je o nastavku projekta pod nazivom ART NOUVEAU – Sustainable protection and promotion of Art Nouveau heritage in the Danube Region koji je trajao od 2017. do 2019. godine u kojem je MUO također bio partner.
Cilj projekta je jačanje kulturnog identiteta i baštine secesije u Dunavskoj regiji, a provodit će se kroz edukativni program, izložbe, ciklus online predavanja, turistička vodstva, kataloge i kratke filmove i ostalo.
Vodeći partner je Grad Oradea (Oradea Municipality), a ostali partneri na projektu su Oradea City Museum – Cultural Complex, (Rumunjska) National Institute of Heritage, Bukurešt, (Rumunjska) IMM, Budimpešta, (Mađarska), MAK, Beč, (Austrija) Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, (Slovačka) Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments,Beograd, ( Republika Srbija) te Kodolányi János University, Budimpešta (Mađarska).
Pridruženi partneri MUO: Ministarstvo kulture i medija RH, Društvo turističkih vodiča Zagreba
Project cofunded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II).
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From July 1 2020, the Museum of Arts and Crafts is a partner in the international project of the European Union Interreg Danube Transnational Program ARTNOUVEAU2 – Strengthening the cultural identity of the Danube region by building on common heritage of ART NOUVEAU
This is a continuation of the project called ART NOUVEAU – Sustainable protection and promotion of Art Nouveau heritage in the Danube Region, which lasted from 2017 to 2019.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the cultural identity and heritage of Art Nouveau in the Danube region, and it will be implemented through an educational program, exhibitions, a series of online lectures, tourist guides, catalogues, short films and more.
The leading partner is the City of Oradea (Oradea Municipality), and the other partners in the project are Oradea City Museum – Cultural Complex, (Romania) National Institute of Heritage, Bukurešt, (Romania) IMM, Budimpešta, (Hungary), MAK, Beč, (Austria) Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, (Slovakia) Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments,Beograd, (Serbia), and Kodolányi János University, Budimpešta (Hungary).